The name index contains the names of individuals that have been referred to in the newspapers or documents that have been examined during the course of this research. The amount of information available on each individual varies depending on where the information came from for example it might be a detailed newspaper article or a short report of a court hearing or it may be a reference in the council minutes that confirms the individual was receiving war relief or was prosecuted for not adhering to food control orders.
There are currently around 2,800 names on the list which is only a fraction the population of Bradford at the time. However the index will be updated as they are uncovered during the course of research. Sign up to the blog to be alerted of these updates.
To request a look up for one of the names please make a small donation via the link at the bottom of the page to cover the costs of the index and contact me with the details of the individuals you are interested in.
Also check the Soldiers Lists
There are currently around 2,800 names on the list which is only a fraction the population of Bradford at the time. However the index will be updated as they are uncovered during the course of research. Sign up to the blog to be alerted of these updates.
To request a look up for one of the names please make a small donation via the link at the bottom of the page to cover the costs of the index and contact me with the details of the individuals you are interested in.
Also check the Soldiers Lists